Monday, July 28, 2008

Rock Star

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to get a standing ovation after a kick-ass performace? I'm no singer, song writer, or musician and, therefore, assumed I would never experience such a thing. Last night, though, my friend Elizabeth and I were rock stars.

Today is the Peruvian Independence Day and yesterday was my host mom's birthday. The family went to Lima and we walked around in the Plaza de Armas. Only in Peru would they fill the entire fountain with Pisco (a Peruvian liquor) for everyone to drink. I have to wonder how many pigeons were drunk yesterday, too. Anyways, we had lunch at Norky's (the Peru KFC) and then we watched Wal E at the movie theater. It was a fabulous day and not 10 minutes after we got home, a couple of friends were knocking on my door wondering if I wanted to go out in Chosica with them. We ate dinner at a Chinese restaurant, ice cream down on the street, and we continued on to a hole-in-the-wall kareoke bar.

McDonald's Kareoke Bar, as it was named, was filled with tables full of people singing sappy spanish love songs and passing a microphone around so that no one would need to stand up in the front. There were about 15 of us that went and the other half of the table picked out some songs they wanted to sing. After about an hour, 10 of our group decided they were too tired to wait it out for their turn and went home. Which means that the rest of us were left to sing whatever english songs they had picked. The waitress handed Elizabeth and I microphones and we anxiously watched the screen to see Madonna's Like a Prayer appear, a song we both knew. To our credit, we did start off sitting in our chairs at the table but as the song continued, it was impossible to sit still. We got up and danced up and down the room. The people were going absolutely wild... It was as if we really were Madonna. Thank gosh Kelly got a video of it all. Maybe I can work on posting that on the Myspace.

Sometimes my life is ridiculously hilarious.

Much Love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha seriously you're the best.