Monday, October 20, 2008


“There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.” –Ansel Adams

The truth is that, after 4 years, I am a little sick of the word concept. In design, we always needed a concept. It was the foundation of our projects. All that we did was based on it and at the end (when we took a step back) it was amazing to look at the journey we had taken without even realizing it. It was beautiful to see that it was all related and could be traced back to a single idea. The same is true with photography. You want someone to look at your picture and get it. You want them to understand the thought process behind it all. You want it to evoke a specific feeling.

I wonder, though, if this quote can also be translated to describe a person’s life. Meaning that, what is the point of living without a good concept? Someone can live a good long life without a purpose; a life based on money and material things, good acts but wrong intentions, and superficial relationships. Why? They are all fuzzy, worthless things to live for. My image may not be perfect but I at least want people to be able to see that my concept is good.

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